Thursday 24 March 2016

How To Grow Onion In Prastic Bottle

Onions are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that
while they are low in calories they are high in
beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and
The health benefits of consuming onions include
lowering the risk of several types of cancer,
improving mood and maintaining the health of
skin and hair.
It is always very handy, to have your herbs and
vegetables right there in the kitchen. How to
grow a vertical onion garden in your kitchen
using a plastic bottle?
You Will Need:
5l plastic bottle
A pair of scissors
A lot of onion bulbs
– Cut the neck off the plastic bottle.
– Using the scissors, cut holes around the body
of the plastic bottle. Make sure that the holes
are big enough for the onions and spaced evenly
– Carefully pour some soil into the bottle until it
reaches the first layer of holes.
– Position your onions at the mouth of the holes,
making sure that the tip (where the leaves grow
out from) faces outward. This is so that the
green sprouts grow outwards, rather than inward
into the plastic bottle.
– Once you’re done arranging the bulbs, pour
some more soil into the plastic bottle to cover
them. Keep pouring until the soil reaches the
next row of holes.
Read also: Red Onion Or White Onion, Which
One’s Healthier?
– Repeat steps 4 and 5.
– Continue adding soil and onions until the bottle
is full.
– You can tape the neck of the bottle back on or
leave it as it is.
And as easy as that, you’ll have your very own
spring onion container garden. Just water the
soil at the mouth of the bottle, and within 5-7
days you should have your spring onions fully
Once they’re grown, you can just cut the stem
3cm (1in) above the root, and within a week they
will grow back again! You can have your very
own weekly harvest of spring onions. Just make
sure you keep watering.

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