Monday 16 May 2016

Pineapple food values

The tough and spiky, green-colored exterior of a
pineapple features a sweet tropical, and juicy
pulp inside. This pulp has a high nutritional value.
Pineapple is available throughout the year, and
can be consumed in different ways. There are
many health advantages of eating pineapple, and
hence it is important to include this fruit in your
regular diet plan. Frequent intake of this tropical
fruit helps in maintaining a healthy and disease-
free body. Read more to know some of the best
health benefits of eating pineapple.
* Cures cold - Pineapple is rich in Vitamin C and
bromelain that helps to get rid of microbial
infections. One of the best advantages of eating
pineapple is consuming it whenever you are
suffering from cold or cough. Pair it up with the
prescribed medicines to cure cold quickly.
* Improves digestion - Eating pineapple after
meals helps in easy digestion of proteins. Many
times, our digestive tracts leave behind
undigested protein, which if accumulated in the
body can result in the uric acid formation that in
turn causes joint pains, headaches, etc. Make
use of this health benefit of pineapple to ensure
an enhanced digestive system.
* Enhances the skin texture- Daily intake of
Vitamin C improves the skin condition, and
provides smooth and glowing skin. This vitamin
is a much-needed water-soluble antioxidant that
helps prevent cellular damage, thus keeping your
skin safe from any harmful diseases. Munch on a
juicy pineapple every day and get the best health
benefits for your skin.
* Strengthens bones - Pineapple consists of
abundant quantities of copper and manganese.
Both these minerals are essential in maintaining
healthy and strong bones. Doctors suggest the
regular intake of pineapple for children and
elderly. The fruit also helps in preventing
inflammation, especially in people suffering from
arthritis. Most athletes make use of this health
benefit of pineapple as a part of their sports
* Reduces stress - Manganese creates enzymes
that help in the production of active energy in
the body. Also, the Vitamin B present in this fruit
assist in reducing stress levels and enhance
brain functionality. Hence, make use of these
health benefits of pineapple and do not forget to
eat a bowl of pineapple the next time you feel
stressed out.
Also Read: Health benefits of garlic
* Increase fertility - Pineapple is rich in
antioxidants such as Vitamin C, minerals, copper,
folate, and zinc, which helps to enhance the
fertility of men and women. This is a natural
advantage of eating pineapple, and can serve as
a precautionary remedy too.
* Prevents asthma - Fruits rich in beta-carotene
reduce the risk of causing asthma. Hence,
people eating pineapple have more advantage of
staying away from this breathing illness as
compared to the ones who do not eat pineapple
* Healthy gums - If you are scared of oral
problems and visiting the dentists, then make
sure you consume pineapples daily. One
significant advantage of eating pineapple is that
it improves the health of the gums and makes
them stronger.
* Reduces chances of macular degeneration -
Another health benefit of pineapple is that it
helps to lessen the chances of developing
macular degeneration. This ailment is related to
the eye, and if not diagnosed at an early stage
might cause loss of vision in the person. Hence,
along with a regular eye check-up it is important
to consume pineapple frequently.
The health benefits of pineapple are worthy
enough to make it an integral part of your daily
diet. Besides, the fruit is available all year long
and is economical too.

Still Carrot

Health benefits of carrots:
Crunchy and Sweet carrots are
particularly rich in vitamins, digestive
fiber and anti-oxidants. They
contribute 41 calories per 100 g,
insignificant amount of cholesterol and
They are extra rich source of vitamin-
A and carotenes. Fresh 100 g carrot
has 16706 IU of vitamin A and 8285
µg of beta-carotene. Also carrot has
flavonoid compounds that helps to
protect from cancers of oral cavity,
lung and skin.
In the liver vitamin-A are converted
from of the powerful
carotene is Beta carotene which is
organic anti-oxidant, it helps in
protecting body from oxygen-free
damaging radical misery. Also carrot
has the actions of vitamin A such as
reproduction, helping to have good
eye, growth and development.
Carrots has abundant falcarinol, poly-
acetylene antioxidant. Scientists
Research study indicates that
falcarinol in carrots helps in fighting
against cancers by damaging cancer
cells in tumors.
Carrots is rich in vitamin C; which
supplies 9% of RDA. Vitamin C is
water dissolved anti-oxidant. It helps
to maintain the healthy issue of teeth,
gum and tissue. Its anti-oxidant
element helps the body to be infected
from cancers and diseases from
harmful radicals.
Also, carrots are particularly rich in B-
complex groups of vitamins like
vitamin B-6, folic acid, pantothenic
acid, thiamin etc. which acts as
enzymes co-factors while subtracting
metabolism in body.
Also carrots merges the healthy levels
of vitamins like calcium, copper,
manganese, phosphorus and
potassium. Potassium is an essential
component of body and cell fluids that
controls the heart rate and blood
pressure by resisting sodium effects.
Manganese is consumed as a co-
factor for antioxidant enzyme and
superoxide dismutase.
Increased consumption of antioxidant
reduce cardiovascular disease risks
and cancer.
Carrots helps in:
Cancer: various digestive
carotenoids have anti-cancer
effects which causes
antioxidant power in increasing
free radicals.
Lung Cancer: current smokers
who did not have carrots three
times, has the risk of developing
lung cancer compared with who
have carrots once in a week.
Colorectal Cancer: consumption
of Beta-carotene helps to
inverse the development of
colon cancer.
Leukemia: extract of Carrot
juice has the ability to kill
leukemia cells.
Prostate Cancer: beta-carotene
plays a protective role against
prostate cancer.
Vision: high beta-carotene in
foods helps to restore vision.
The phytochemicals and
antioxidants in carrots also help
with regulation of blood sugar
the effects of aging is delayed
and boosts the immune
In short carrots are responsible for:
improving immunity
decreasing photosensitivity
Improves symptoms of HIV.
Helps to withdrawal alcohol.
Help in healing minor injuries
and wounds.
Works as an antiseptic.
Reduce the risk of heart
High blood pressure risk is
Helps to excrete bile and fats.
Prevent bronchitis.
Fights infection
Improves health of flesh, skin
and muscle
Fights anemia.
Reduces acne.
Improving eye health
Carrots are best option of anti-
ageing foods for the element
which is beta-carotene
Carrots are rich in vitamin A
and antioxidants which are
responsible for healthy skin,hair
and nails
Carrots improves the dental
health by cleaning plaque. Also
biting carrots increases the
production of saliva, and
balances the acid level which
fight with bacteria which cause
All year-round Carrots can be found in
supermarket. They are a versatile
vegetable and commonly eaten
steamed, raw, boiled. They can be
taken as canned or frozen, fresh, even
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Pineapple food values

vitamin C 105%

manganese 77%

copper 20%

vitamin B6 11%

vitamin B1 11%

fiber 9%

folate 7%

pantothenic acid 7%

Nutrient Amount
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating

vitamin C 78.87 mg 105 22.9 excellent

manganese 1.53 mg 77 16.7 excellent

copper 0.18 mg 20 4.4 very good

vitamin B1 0.13 mg 11 2.4 good

vitamin B6 0.18 mg 11 2.3 good

fiber 2.31 g 9 2.0 good

folate 29.70 mcg 7 1.6 good

pantothenic acid 0.35 mg 7 1.5 good

Carrots values

Carrots, sliced, raw
1.00 cup
(122.00 grams)

Calories: 50
GI: low

Nutrient DRI/DV
vitamin A 113%

biotin 20%

vitamin K 18%

fiber 14%

molybdenum 14%

potassium 11%

vitamin C 10%

vitamin B6 10%

manganese 9%

vitamin B3 8%

vitamin B1 7%

pantothenic acid 7%

copper 6%

phosphorus 6%

folate 6%

vitamin B2 5%

vitamin E 5%

Carrots, sliced, raw
1.00 cup
122.00 grams
Calories: 50
GI: low
Although carrots are available throughout the
year, locally grown carrots are in season in
the summer and fall when they are the
freshest and most flavorful. Carrots belong
to the Umbelliferae family, named after the
umbrella-like flower clusters that plants in
this family produce. As such, carrots are
related to parsnips, fennel, parsley, anise,
caraway, cumin and dill. Carrots can be as small
as two inches or as long as three feet, ranging in
diameter from one-half of an inch to over two
inches. Carrot roots have a crunchy texture and a
sweet and minty aromatic taste, while the greens
are fresh tasting and slightly bitter. While we
usually associate carrots with the color orange,
carrots can actually be found in a host of other
colors including white, yellow, red, or purple. In
fact, purple, yellow and red carrots were the only
color varieties of carrots to be cultivated before
the 15th or 16th century.
What's New and Beneficial about
We are fortunate to have the results of a new
10-year study from the Netherlands about carrot
intake and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)—
and those results are fascinating. Intake of fruits
and vegetables in the study was categorized by
color and focused on four color categories:
green, orange/yellow, red/purple, and white. Out
of these four categories, orange/yellow (and in
particular, foods with deeper shades of orange
and yellow) emerged as most protective against
CVD. And even more striking, carrots were
determined to be the most prominent member of
this dark orange/yellow food category.
Participants who had the least carrot intake had
the least amount of CVD risk reduction, even
though they still received risk-reducing benefits
from their carrot intake. However, participants
who ate at least 25 more grams of carrots (with
25 grams being less than one-quarter of a cup)
had a significantly lower risk of CVD. And the
groups of participants who ate 50- or 75-grams
more had an even more greatly reduced risk of
CVD! We're not sure how any study could better
demonstrate how easy it can be to lower disease
risk by making a food like carrot part of the
everyday diet in such achievable amounts.
Much of the research on carrots has traditionally
focused on carotenoids and their important
antioxidant benefits. After all, carrots (along with
pumpkin and spinach) rank high on the list of all
commonly-consumed U.S. antioxidant vegetables
in terms of their beta-carotene content. But
recent research has turned the health spotlight
onto another category of phytonutrients in
carrots called polyacetylenes. In carrots, the
most important polyacetylenes include falcarinol
and falcarindiol. Several recent studies have
identified these carrot polyacetylenes as
phytonutrients that can help inhibit the growth of
colon cancer cells, especially when these
polyacetylenes are found in their reduced (versus
oxidized) form. These new findings are exciting
because they suggest a key interaction between
the carotenoids and polyacetylenes in carrots.
Apparently, the rich carotenoid content of carrots
not only helps prevent oxidative damage inside
our body, but it may also help prevent oxidative
damage to the carrot polyacetylenes. In other
words, these two amazing groups of
phytonutrients in carrots may work together in a
synergistic way to maximize our health benefits!
Even people who usually boil carrots have
discovered that they taste better steamed! In a
recent study examining different methods for
cooking vegetables, study participants were
asked to evaluate the flavor and overall
acceptability of the results. In comparison to
boiling, participants in the study significantly
favored the flavor and overall acceptability of
steamed carrots to boiled carrots. This
preference was also expressed by participants
who had always boiled carrots in their previous
kitchen practices.
Not surprisingly, research on the carotenoids in
carrots has become fairly sophisticated and we
now know that it's especially important to
protect one specific form of beta-carotene found
in carrots called the (all-E)-beta-carotene isomer.
That form of beta-carotene appears to have
better bioavailability and antioxidant capacity
than another beta-carotene form called the Z
(cis) isomer form. With this new knowledge of
beta-carotene specifics, researchers in Victoria,
Australia wondered about the stability of (all-E)-
beta-carotene under proper storage conditions.
What they found was excellent retention of (all-
E)-beta-carotene under the right storage
conditions. Over several weeks period of time at
refrigerator temperatures and with good humidity
(as might be provided, for example by the
wrapping of carrots in damp paper and
placement in an air-tight container), there was
very good retention of the carrots' (all-e)-beta-
carotene. While we always like the idea of
vegetable consumption in freshly-picked form,
this finding is great news and gives all of us
more flexibility for incorporating carrots into our

Carrots, sliced, raw
1.00 cup
122.00 grams
Calories: 50
GI: low
Although carrots are available throughout the
year, locally grown carrots are in season in
the summer and fall when they are the
freshest and most flavorful. Carrots belong
to the Umbelliferae family, named after the
umbrella-like flower clusters that plants in
this family produce. As such, carrots are
related to parsnips, fennel, parsley, anise,
caraway, cumin and dill. Carrots can be as small
as two inches or as long as three feet, ranging in
diameter from one-half of an inch to over two
inches. Carrot roots have a crunchy texture and a
sweet and minty aromatic taste, while the greens
are fresh tasting and slightly bitter. While we
usually associate carrots with the color orange,
carrots can actually be found in a host of other
colors including white, yellow, red, or purple. In
fact, purple, yellow and red carrots were the only
color varieties of carrots to be cultivated before
the 15th or 16th century.
What's New and Beneficial about
We are fortunate to have the results of a new
10-year study from the Netherlands about carrot
intake and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)—
and those results are fascinating. Intake of fruits
and vegetables in the study was categorized by
color and focused on four color categories:
green, orange/yellow, red/purple, and white. Out
of these four categories, orange/yellow (and in
particular, foods with deeper shades of orange
and yellow) emerged as most protective against
CVD. And even more striking, carrots were
determined to be the most prominent member of
this dark orange/yellow food category.
Participants who had the least carrot intake had
the least amount of CVD risk reduction, even
though they still received risk-reducing benefits
from their carrot intake. However, participants
who ate at least 25 more grams of carrots (with
25 grams being less than one-quarter of a cup)
had a significantly lower risk of CVD. And the
groups of participants who ate 50- or 75-grams
more had an even more greatly reduced risk of
CVD! We're not sure how any study could better
demonstrate how easy it can be to lower disease
risk by making a food like carrot part of the
everyday diet in such achievable amounts.
Much of the research on carrots has traditionally
focused on carotenoids and their important
antioxidant benefits. After all, carrots (along with
pumpkin and spinach) rank high on the list of all
commonly-consumed U.S. antioxidant vegetables
in terms of their beta-carotene content. But
recent research has turned the health spotlight
onto another category of phytonutrients in
carrots called polyacetylenes. In carrots, the
most important polyacetylenes include falcarinol
and falcarindiol. Several recent studies have
identified these carrot polyacetylenes as
phytonutrients that can help inhibit the growth of
colon cancer cells, especially when these
polyacetylenes are found in their reduced (versus
oxidized) form. These new findings are exciting
because they suggest a key interaction between
the carotenoids and polyacetylenes in carrots.
Apparently, the rich carotenoid content of carrots
not only helps prevent oxidative damage inside
our body, but it may also help prevent oxidative
damage to the carrot polyacetylenes. In other
words, these two amazing groups of
phytonutrients in carrots may work together in a
synergistic way to maximize our health benefits!
Even people who usually boil carrots have
discovered that they taste better steamed! In a
recent study examining different methods for
cooking vegetables, study participants were
asked to evaluate the flavor and overall
acceptability of the results. In comparison to
boiling, participants in the study significantly
favored the flavor and overall acceptability of
steamed carrots to boiled carrots. This
preference was also expressed by participants
who had always boiled carrots in their previous
kitchen practices.
Not surprisingly, research on the carotenoids in
carrots has become fairly sophisticated and we
now know that it's especially important to
protect one specific form of beta-carotene found
in carrots called the (all-E)-beta-carotene isomer.
That form of beta-carotene appears to have
better bioavailability and antioxidant capacity
than another beta-carotene form called the Z
(cis) isomer form. With this new knowledge of
beta-carotene specifics, researchers in Victoria,
Australia wondered about the stability of (all-E)-
beta-carotene under proper storage conditions.
What they found was excellent retention of (all-
E)-beta-carotene under the right storage
conditions. Over several weeks period of time at
refrigerator temperatures and with good humidity
(as might be provided, for example by the
wrapping of carrots in damp paper and
placement in an air-tight container), there was
very good retention of the carrots' (all-e)-beta-
carotene. While we always like the idea of
vegetable consumption in freshly-picked form,
this finding is great news and gives all of us
more flexibility for incorporating carrots into our
This chart graphically details the %DV that a
serving of Carrots provides for each of the
nutrients of which it is a good, very good, or
excellent source according to our Food Rating
System. Additional information about the amount
of these nutrients provided by Carrots can be
found in the Food Rating System Chart . A link
that takes you to the In-Depth Nutritional Profile
for Carrots, featuring information over 80
nutrients, can be found under the Food Rating
System Chart.
Health Benefits
How to Select and Store
Tips for Preparing and Cooking
How to Enjoy
Individual Concerns
Nutritional Profile
Health Benefits
Carrots are perhaps best known for their rich
supply of the antioxidant nutrient that was
actually named for them: beta-carotene.
However, these delicious root vegetables are the
source not only of beta-carotene, but also of a
wide variety of antioxidants and other health-
supporting nutrients. The areas of antioxidant
benefits, cardiovascular benefits, and anti-cancer
benefits are the best-researched areas of health
research with respect to dietary intake of
Antioxidant Benefits
All varieties of carrots contain valuable amounts
of antioxidant nutrients. Included here are
traditional antioxidants like vitamin C, as well as
phytonutrient antioxidants like beta-carotene. The
list of carrot phytonutrient antioxidants is by no
means limited to beta-carotene, however. This
list includes:
Hydroxycinnamic acids
caffeic acid
coumaric acid
ferulic acid
Different varieties of carrots contain differing
amounts of these antioxidant phytonutrients. Red
and purple carrots, for example, are best known
for the rich anthocyanin content. Oranges are
particularly outstanding in terms of beta-
carotene, which accounts for 65% of their total
carotenoid content. In yellow carrots, 50% of the
total carotenoids come from lutein. You're going
to receive outstanding antioxidant benefits from
each of these carrot varieties!
Cardiovascular Benefits
Given their antioxidant richness, it's not
surprising to find numerous research studies
documenting the cardiovascular benefits of
carrots. Our cardiovascular system needs
constant protection from antioxidant damage.
This is particularly true of our arteries, which are
responsible for carrying highly oxygenated blood.
A recent study from the Netherlands, in which
participants were followed for a period of 10
years, has given us some fascinating new
information about carrots and our risk of
cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this study,
intake of fruits and vegetables was categorized
by color. The researchers focused on four color
categories: green, orange/yellow, red/purple, and
white. Out of these four categories, orange/
yellow (and in particular, foods with deeper
shades of orange and yellow) was determined to
be the most protective against CVD. Within this
dark orange/yellow food group, carrots were
determined to be the single most risk-reducing
food. Participants who had the least carrot
intake had the least amount of CVD risk
reduction, even though they still received risk-
reducing benefits from their carrot intake.
However, participants who ate at least 25 more
grams of carrots (with 25 grams being less than
one-quarter of a cup) had a significantly lower
risk of CVD. And the groups of participants who
ate 50- or 75-grams more had an even more
greatly reduced risk of CVD! We're not sure how
any study could better demonstrate how easy it
can be to lower CVD risk by making a food like
carrot part of the everyday diet.
Antioxidant nutrients in carrots are believed to
explain many of the cardioprotective benefits
provided by these root vegetables. The many
different kinds of carrot antioxidants are most
likely to work together and provide us with
cardiovascular benefits that we could not obtain
from any of these antioxidants alone if they were
split apart and consumed individually, in isolation
from each other. The synergistic effect of carrot
antioxidants is a great example of a whole food
and its uniqueness as a source of nourishment.
Yet in addition to the diverse mixture of carrot
antioxidants, there is yet another category of
carrot phytonutrient that is believed to help
explain carrot protection against cardiovascular
disease.That category is polyacetylenes.
Polyacetylenes are unique phytonutrients made
from metabolism of particular fatty acids (often
involving crepenynic acid, stearolic acid and
tariric acid). They are particularly common in the
Apiaceae/Umbelliferae family of plants (which
includes carrot). The two best-researched
polyacetylenes in carrot are falcarinol and
falcarindiol. Preliminary research on animals and
in the lab has shown that carrot polyacetylenes
have anti-inflammatory properties and anti-
aggregatory properties (that help prevent
excessive clumping together of red blood cells).
So in addition to the unique mix of antioxidants
in carrot, polyacetylenes may play a key role in
the cardiovascular protection provided by this
amazing food.
Vision Health
While you might expect to find a large number of
human research studies documenting the
benefits of carrot intake for eye health, there are
relatively few studies in this area. Most studies
about carotenoids and eye health have focused
on carotenoid levels in the bloodstream and the
activities of the carotenoids themselves, rather
than the food origins of carotenoids (like
carrots). Still, we have found some smaller scale
human studies that show clear benefits of carrot
intake for eye health. For example, researchers
at the Jules Stein Institute at the University of
California at Los Angeles determined that women
who consume carrots at least twice per week -
in comparison to women who consume carrots
less than once per week - have significantly
lower rates of glaucoma (damage to the optic
nerve often associated with excessive pressure
inside the eye). Intake of geranyl acetate - one
of the photonutrients that is present in carrot
seeds (and sometimes extracted from purified
carrot seed oil) has also been repeatedly
associated with reduced risk of cataracts in
animal studies. However, researchers have yet to
analyze the amount of geranyl acetate in the
root portion of the carrot and the impact of
dietary intake on risk of cataracts.
Anti-Cancer Benefits
The anti-cancer benefits of carrot have been
best researched in the area of colon cancer.
Some of this research has involved actual intake
of carrot juice by human participants, and other
research has involved the study of human cancer
cells types in the lab. While much more research
is needed in this area, the study results to date
have been encouraging. Lab studies have shown
the ability of carrot extracts to inhibit the grown
of colon cancer cells, and the polyacetylenes
found in carrot (especially falcarinol) have been
specifically linked to this inhibitory effect. In
studies of carrot juice intake, small but
significant effects on colon cell health have been
shown for participants who consumed about 1.5
cups of fresh carrot juice per day.
We're confident that future studies in this area
will show carrot intake as being protective
against risk of colon cancer. Carrots are simply
too rich in digestive tract-supporting fiber,
antioxidant nutrients, and unique phytonutrients
like falcarinol to be neutral when it comes to
support of the lower digestive tract and colon
cancer protection.
As one of the most popular root vegetables in
the U.S. - and widely enjoyed in many other
countries as well - carrots almost feel like an old
friend for many people who are looking for just
the right crunchy snack or addition to a salad.
We've even seen one study of 8-11 year-old
children in France who were given pictures of 54
vegetables and were mostly likely to pick out
carrots (along with lettuce and tomatoes) as
easily identifiable and likeable vegetables. In the
U.S., there seems to be an equal liking for
carrots at the other end of the age spectrum as
well. Individuals 76 years of age and older eat
twice as many carrots as individuals under 40,
with the overall average being about 1 cup of
carrots per week.
It's easiest to identify carrots as belonging to
the Umbelliferae family of plants, since their leafy
greens form an umbrella-like cluster at the top
of the root. However, this same family of plants
is also commonly known as the Apiaceae family.
While the International Code of Botanical
Nomenclature accepts both designations, the use
of Apiaceae is becoming more and more common
in carrot research. This same botanical family
includes parsley, anise, celery, parsnips, fennel,
caraway, cumin and dill.
The name "carrot" comes from the Greek word
"karoton," whose first three letters (kar) are used
to designate anything with a horn-like shape.
(That horn-like shape, of course, refers to the
taproot of the carrot that is the plant part we're
most accustomed to consuming in the U.S.).
The beta-carotene that is found in carrots was
actually named for the carrot itself!
Even though U.S. consumers are most familiar
with carrots as root vegetables bright orange in
color, an amazing variety of colors are found
worldwide for this vegetable. (All of these color
varieties, however, still belong to the same genus
and species of plant, Daucus carota.) Here is a
short list of some of the more popular carrot
varieties, categorized by color:
Orange Carrots
Scarlet Nantes (especially valued for its
Danvers (often raised for processing)
Camden (often raised for processing)
Other popular varieties include Navajo, Sirkana,
Top Cut and Inca
Purples Carrots
Purple Dragon
Cosmic Purple
Purple Haze
Yellow Carrots
Solar Yellow
White Carrots
Creme De Lite
White Satin
Red Carrots
Supreme Chateney
Red Samurai
The carrot can trace its ancestry back thousands
of years, originally having been cultivated in
central Asian and Middle Eastern countries,
along with parts of Europe. These original carrots
looked different from those that we are
accustomed to today, featuring red, purple, and
yellow coloring rather than the bright orange that
we've become accustomed to in U.S.
supermarkets. Carrots became widely cultivated
in Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries and
were first brought over to North America during
this same general time period.
In today's commercial marketplace, China
currently produces about one-third of all carrots
bought and sold worldwide. Russia is the second
largest carrot producer, with the U.S. following a
close third. Many European countries produce
substantial amounts of carrots (over 400,000
metric tons) and Turkey, Mexico, India,
Indonesia, Australia and Canada are also
important countries in the worldwide production
of carrots. Within the U.S., about 12,000 acres of
carrots for processing are planted each year,
resulting in about 320,000 tons of carrots. Over
80% of all fresh market carrot production in the
U.S. comes from California, with Michigan and
Texas emerging as the next two largest fresh
production states.
Currently,U.S. adults average about 12 pounds of
carrot intake each year. Approximately 9 pounds
are being consumed in fresh form, with the other
3 pounds are being consumed in frozen or
canned products. This amount translates into
approximately 1 cup of carrots each week in
fresh, frozen, or canned form.
How to Select and
Carrot roots should be firm, smooth, relatively
straight and bright in color. The deeper the
orange-color, the more beta-carotene is present
in the carrot. Avoid carrots that are excessively
cracked or forked as well as those that are limp
or rubbery. In addition, if the carrots do not have
their tops attached, look at the stem end and
ensure that it is not darkly colored as this is also
a sign of age. If the green tops are attached,
they should be brightly colored, feathery and not
wilted. Since the sugars are concentrated in the
carrots' core, generally those with larger
diameters will have a larger core and therefore
be sweeter.
Carrots are hardy vegetables that will keep
longer than many others if stored properly. The
trick to preserving the freshness of carrot roots
is to minimize the amount of moisture they lose.
To do this, make sure to store them in the
coolest part of the refrigerator in a plastic bag or
wrapped in a paper towel, which will reduce the
amount of condensation that is able to form.
They should be able to keep fresh for about two
weeks. Research has shown that the especially
valuable (all-E)-beta-carotene isomer is well-
retained in carrots if stored properly. Carrots
should also be stored away from apples, pears,
potatoes and other fruits and vegetables that
produce ethylene gas since it will cause them to
become bitter.
If you purchase carrot roots with attached green
tops, the tops should be cut off before storing in
the refrigerator since they will cause the carrots
to wilt prematurely as they pull moisture from
the roots. While the tops can be stored in the
refrigerator, kept moist by being wrapped in a
damp paper, they should really be used soon
after purchase since they are fragile and will
quickly begin to wilt.
Tips for Preparing and
Tips for Preparing Carrots
Wash carrot roots and gently scrub them with a
vegetable brush right before eating. Unless the
carrots are old, thick or not grown organically, it
is not necessary to peel them. If they are not
organically grown, peel them; most all
conventionally grown carrots are grown using
pesticides and other chemicals. If the stem end
is green, it should be cut away as it will be
bitter. Depending upon the recipe or your
personal preference, carrots can be left whole or
julienned, grated, shredded or sliced into sticks
or rounds.
Carrots are delicious eaten raw or cooked. While
heating can often damage some of the delicate
phytonutrients in vegetables, the beta-carotene
as found in carrots has been shown to be
surprisingly heat-stable. In fact, carrots' beta-
carotene may become more bioavailable through
well-timed steaming. Still, be careful not to
overcook carrots if you want to your carrots to
retain their maximum flavor and strong overall
nutritional value.
The Healthiest Way of Cooking
Of all of the cooking methods we tried when
cooking carrots, our favorite is Healthy
Steaming. We think that it provides the greatest
flavor and is also a method that allows for
concentrated nutrient retention. In fact,
participants in a recent research study agreed
with us. When study participants were asked to
evaluate the flavor and overall acceptability of
different carrot cooking methods, they
significantly favored the flavor and overall
acceptability of steamed carrots to boiled
carrots. This preference was even expressed by
participants who had always boiled carrots in
their previous kitchen practices!
To Healthy Steamed carrots, fill the bottom of
the steamer with 2 inches of water and bring to
a rapid boil. Slice carrots ¼-inch thick and steam
for 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl. For more
flavor, toss carrots with our Mediterranean
Dressing . (Looking for carrots with extra zing?
Try our Carrots with Honey Mustard Sauce
How to Enjoy
A Few Quick Serving Ideas
Shredded raw carrots and chopped carrot greens
make great additions to salads.
Combine shredded carrots, beets and apples, and
eat as a salad.
For quick, nutritious soup that can be served hot
or cold, purée boiled carrots and potatoes in a
blender or food processor, and add herbs and
spices to taste.
Spiced carrot sticks are a flavorful variation on
an old favorite at parties or at the dinner table.
Soak carrot sticks in hot water spiced with
cayenne, coriander seeds and salt. Allow to cool,
drain and serve.
WHFoods Recipes That Include
Asian Chicken Salad
Barley Mushroom Soup
Carrot Coconut Soup
Minestrone Surprise
Red Kidney Bean Soup with Lime Yogurt
Super Energy Kale Soup
15-Minute Seared Tuna with Sage
Poached Halibut with Fennel and Cauliflower
Holiday Turkey with Rice Stuffing & Gravy with
Fresh Herbs
Asian-Flavored Broccoli with Tofu
Braised Kidney Beans & Sweet Potato
Curried Lentils
Miso Stir-Fry
Moroccan Eggplant with Garbanzo Beans
Primavera Verde
Great Antipasto Salad
Super Carrot Raisin Salad
Carrot Cashew Paté
Carrots with Honey Mustard Sauce
Garlic Dip with Crudites
Minted Carrots with Pumpkin Seeds
Minted Green Peas & Carrots
Steamed Vegetable Medley
Individual Concerns
Carrots and Carotoderma
Excessive consumption of carotene-rich foods
may lead to a condition called carotoderma in
which the palms or other skin develops a yellow
or orange cast. This yellowing of the skin is
presumably related to carotenemia , excessive
levels of carotene in the blood. The health
impact of carotenemia is not well researched.
Eating or juicing high amounts of foods rich in
carotene, like carrots, may over tax the body's
ability to convert these foods to vitamin A. The
body slowly converts carotene to vitamin A, and
extra carotene is stored, usually in the palms,
soles or behind the ears. If the cause of the
carotenemia is eating excessively high amounts
of foods like carrots, the condition will usually
disappear after reducing consumption.
Nutritional Profile
Carrots are perhaps best known for their beta-
carotene content. (The nutrient beta-carotene
was actually named after the carrot!) While they
can be an outstanding source of this
phytonutrient, carrots actually contain a
fascinating combination of phytonutrients,
including other carotenoids (especially alpha-
carotene and lutein); hydroxycinnamic acids
(including caffeic, coumaric, ferulic);
anthocyanins (in the case of purple and red
carrots); and polyacetylenes (especially falcarinol
and falcarindiol). Carrots are an excellent source
of vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids). In
addition, they are a very good source of biotin,
vitamin K, dietary fiber, molybdenum, potassium,
vitamin B6, and vitamin C. They are a good
source of manganese, niacin, vitamin B1,
panthothenic acid, phosphorus, folate, copper,
vitamin E, and vitamin B2.
For an in-depth nutritional profile click here:
Carrots .
In-Depth Nutritional
In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our
ratings chart, an in-depth nutritional profile for
Carrots is also available. This profile includes
information on a full array of nutrients, including
carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber,
sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino
acids and more.
Introduction to Food
Rating System Chart
In order to better help you identify foods that
feature a high concentration of nutrients for the
calories they contain, we created a Food Rating
System. This system allows us to highlight the
foods that are especially rich in particular
nutrients. The following chart shows the
nutrients for which this food is either an
excellent, very good, or good source (below the
chart you will find a table that explains these
qualifications). If a nutrient is not listed in the
chart, it does not necessarily mean that the food
doesn't contain it. It simply means that the
nutrient is not provided in a sufficient amount or
concentration to meet our rating criteria. (To
view this food's in-depth nutritional profile that
includes values for dozens of nutrients - not just
the ones rated as excellent, very good, or good -
please use the link below the chart.) To read this
chart accurately, you'll need to glance up in the
top left corner where you will find the name of
the food and the serving size we used to
calculate the food's nutrient composition. This
serving size will tell you how much of the food
you need to eat to obtain the amount of
nutrients found in the chart. Now, returning to
the chart itself, you can look next to the nutrient
name in order to find the nutrient amount it
offers, the percent Daily Value (DV%) that this
amount represents, the nutrient density that we
calculated for this food and nutrient, and the
rating we established in our rating system. For
most of our nutrient ratings, we adopted the
government standards for food labeling that are
found in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's
"Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling." Read
more background information and details of our
rating system .
Nutrient Amount
Foods Rating
vitamin A 1019.07 mcg
RAE 113 40.7 excellent
biotin 6.10 mcg 20 7.3 very good
vitamin K 16.10 mcg 18 6.4 very good
fiber 3.42 g 14 4.9 very good
molybdenum 6.10 mcg 14 4.9 very good
potassium 390.40 mg 11 4.0 very good
vitamin B6 0.17 mg 10 3.6 very good
vitamin C 7.20 mg 10 3.5 very good
manganese 0.17 mg 9 3.1 good
vitamin B3 1.20 mg 8 2.7 good
vitamin B1 0.08 mg 7 2.4 good
acid 0.33 mg 7 2.4 good
phosphorus 42.70 mg 6 2.2 good
folate 23.18 mcg 6 2.1 good
copper 0.05 mg 6 2.0 good
vitamin E 0.81 mg (ATE) 5 1.9 good
vitamin B2 0.07 mg 5 1.9 good

Papaya seed

Start Eating Papaya Seeds
Right Now – There Are
Magical Cure For Gut ,
Liver, Kidney, Cancer And
For More Other Diseases
Most of us when we eat Papaya, we trash
the Seeds. But little of us know how
beneficial they are and how they can
prevent and cure a plethora of ailments
related to the liver, gut, worms and even
diseases like Dengue. The following is a
list, that illustrate the benefits of eating
Papaya Seeds.
1.Liver Health
Papaya Seeds contain many nutrients that
help heal cirrhosis of the liver. Grind or
crush 5-6 Papaya Seeds and have them
with food or juice, especially lime juice.
This should be done for 30 days.However
eating small amounts of Papaya seeds
regularly helps in detoxing the liver and
keeps liver diseases at bay.
2.Kidney Health
Researchers at the University of Karachi
have found that Papaya Seeds can be used
to improve kidney health and preventing
renal failure. They can make wonders for
kidney poisoning related diseases.
3.Anti-inflammatory properties
Papaya Seeds have anti-inflammatory
properties so they are great for alleviating
arthritis, joint disease, swelling, pain, and
4.Anti-bacterial and Anti-Viral
A small amount of Papaya Seeds can kill
harmful bacteria like E. coli, Staph, and
Salmonella. They also help fight viral
infections and cures Dengue, Typhoid, and
numerous other diseases. In Nigeria,
Papaya Seeds with Milk is an excellent
cure for Typhoid fever.
The seeds have been extensively used in
Costa Rica to fight against Dengue fever.
The juice from papaya leaves can help cure
the same.
Making papaya juice :
• Use 2 papaya leaves
• Wash and cut into smaller pieces
• Pound and squeeze the pulp through a
filter cloth
• Only 2 tablespoons of juice can be
squeezed out
• Two tablespoons per serving once a day
5.Arresting Cancer
Papaya Seeds contain agents that stop the
growth of cancer cells and tumors. They
contain isothiocyanate which works well for
colon, breast, lung, leukemia and prostate
6.Destroys Parasites
The Seeds of Papaya contain an alkaloid
called “Carpaine” that kills intestinal worms
and amoeba parasites.Also Papaya Fruit
helps metabolize proteins and makes the
gastrointestinal tract an extremely hostile
place for parasites to live and thrive.
Studies have shown that children in Nigeria
have got rid of parasites in their gut 75% of
the times, by consuming Papaya Seed
Juice for 7 days.
7.Natural Contraceptive
Papaya Seeds are excellent natural
contraceptives for men and women, without
any side-effects. For centuries,men and
women in the Indian subcontinent and in
parts of Southeast Asia have traditionally
used the papaya fruit and its seeds as a
form of birth control.
8.Aids Digestion
Papaya and Papaya Seeds are high in the
enzyme papain. Papain is a beneficial aid
to protein digestion, and also the best
solution for women who are trying to get
For males, eating one teaspoon of Papaya
Seeds every day for 3 months can greatly
reduce sperm production without affecting
libido. However, this effect is temporary:
when Papaya Seeds are discontinued the
fertility comes back to normal.
How to eat papaya seeds :
Papaya Seeds can be eaten raw , ground or
crushed in Salad dressings, milk or honey.
side effects and potential warnings for
using papaya seeds:
Papaya Seeds have many healthy benefits
but pregnant women should not use papaya
seeds or the enzyme-rich green papaya.
This warning on their use would also
extend to breastfeeding. Additionally, while
papaya seeds do have strong anti-parasitic
properties, they may be too powerful for
young children’s gastrointestinal tracts, so
a doctor should be consulted before giving
them to infants.
 May 15, 2016  Food & Recipes,
Health, Healthy Tips  No Comment
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Watermelon Seeds

The most delicious food in the world is
watermelon. It has great and sweet and
refreshing taste. But, not all of the people
likes the seeds from watermelon, so at the
end thy end up in the garbage. What you
don`t know is that these seeds contain an
immense amount of nutrients, including
essential proteins, fatty acids, vitamins and
minerals. Watermelon seeds are abundant in
B vitamins such as thiamine, niacin, folate
and minerals like potassium, magnesium,
zinc, iron, phosphorus and copper.
Health benefits of watermelon seeds

1. Diabetes
Diabetes suffers can boil a handful of
watermelon seeds and cup of water and
drink it as a tea.

2. Male fertility
They are rich is essential amino acids which
are good for sexual health. They promote
the sperm production and treats erectile

3. Anti- aging
Consuming this awesome seeds will help
you for your skin to brightens and become

4. Healthy hair and nails
Abundant in proteins, watermelon seeds are
great for your hair and nails. It can prevent
breakage and make them strong and
beautiful. In addition, roasted watermelon
seeds will make your hair soft and shiny.

5. Heart Health
This is the perfect remedy for those who
suffer from cardiovascular disease and high
blood pressure. Due to their rich magnesium
content, watermelon seeds can promote
healthy heart function and maintain normal
blood pressure levels. Moreover, they also
contain good fats and amino acids which
regulate heart pressure and protect from
heart disease.
Watermelon seeds recipe for tea.
As a powerful diuretic, watermelon seed is
going to cleanse your kidneys and bladder.
Pulverize and crush a couple of watermelon
seeds. Add one teaspoon of the crushed
seeds to one cup boiling water. Let it steep
for about 15 minutes. Consume at least one
cup of tea daily, three times a week. Heat it
each time before drinking.

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