Friday 18 March 2016

10 Benefits Of Carrot (DOCTOR)

By: Diana Herrington
October 26, 2011

HForget about vitamin A pills. With this orange
crunchy powerfood, you get vitamin A and a host
of other powerful health benefits including
beautiful skin, cancer prevention and anti-aging.
Read how to get maximum the benefits from this
amazing vegetable.
Benefits of Carrots

1. Improves vision
Western culture’s understanding of carrots being
“good for the eyes” is one of the few we got
right. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which is
converted into vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A
is transformed in the retina , to rhodopsin, a
purple pigment necessary for night vision.
Beta-carotene has also been shown to protect
against macular degeneration and senile
cataracts. A study found that people who eat the
most beta-carotene had 40 percent lower risk of
macular degeneration than those who consumed

2. Helps prevent cancer
Studies have shown carrots reduce the risk of
lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.
Falcarinol is a natural pesticide produced by the
carrot that protects its roots from fungal
diseases. Carrots are one of the only common
sources of this compound. A study showed 1/3
lower cancer risk by carrot-eating mice.

3. Slows down aging
The high level of beta-carotene acts as an
antioxidant to cell damage done to the body
through regular metabolism. It help slows down
the aging of cells .

4. Promotes healthier skin
Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin
from sun damage. Deficiencies of vitamin A
cause dryness to the skin, hair and nails. Vitamin
A prevents premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin,
pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tone.

5. Helps prevent infection
Carrots are known by herbalists to prevent
infection. They can be used on cuts—shredded
raw or boiled and mashed.

6. Promotes healthier skin (from the outside)
Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very
convenient facial mask. Just mix grated carrot
with a bit of honey. See the full recipe here:
carrot face mask.

7. Prevents heart disease
Studies show that diets high in carotenoids are
associated with a lower risk of heart disease .
Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also
alpha-carotene and lutein.
The regular consumption of carrots also reduces
cholesterol levels because the soluble fibers in
carrots bind with bile acids.

8. Cleanses the body
Vitamin A assists the liver in flushing out the
toxins from the body. It reduces the bile and fat
in the liver. The fibers present in carrots help
clean out the colon and hasten waste

9. Protects teeth and gums
It’s all in the crunch! Carrots clean your teeth
and mouth . They scrape off plaque and food
particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste.
Carrots stimulate gums and trigger a lot of
saliva, which, being alkaline, balances out the
acid-forming, cavity-forming bacteria. The
minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.

10. Prevents stroke
From all the above benefits it is no surprise that
in a Harvard University study, people who ate
more than six carrots a week are less likely to
suffer a stroke than those who ate only one
carrot a month or less.
Fun Facts on Carrots
Rabbits love to eat carrots but they shouldn’t
eat too much.
Remember that a rabbit eating a single carrot
is like us eating over 20! They like the
sweetness and carrots are good for their teeth
and don’t have artificial sugar but even too
many natural sugars will cause digestive
problems and diabetes. They probably would
do better with the carrot tops. We would
benefit from the tops also but probably won’t
eat them!
Carrots are the second most popular type of
vegetable after potatoes.
The biggest carrot recorded is more than 19
pounds and the longest is over 19 feet!
You can see them here, but they aren’t
particularly pretty!
There are over 100 species of carrots.
Some are big. Some are small and they come
in a variety of colors including: orange, purple,
white, yellow and red.
English women in the 1600s often wore carrot
leaves in their hats in place of flowers or
The name “carrot” comes from the Greek
word “karoton.”
The beta-carotene that is found in carrots was
actually named for the carrot itself!
The average American eats about 12 pounds
of carrots a year.
That’s only one cup per week. We could easily
triple that with great benefits if we were also
eating a variety of other vegetables.
How To Eat Carrots
The nutrition in carrots are tightly encased in
protein sacs that have to be broken by heat
(cooking) or mechanical action (grinding, juicing,
proper chewing).
Cooking the carrots in fat or oils, or pureeing or
juicing them increases the availability of
carotenoids by 600 percent.
Fats help the absorption of carotenoids into the
blood by 1000 percent as carotenoids are fat


The family of Ivelisse Page has a history of
colon cancer. Her father died from the disease in
his thirties. Due to the fact that she was at
higher risk of developing the illness, she decided
to eat only organic food and have regular
But the quality lifestyle didn’t have positive
effects because she developed colon cancer at
the age of just 37. After she was diagnosed,
Mrs. Page had 15 inches of the colon with 28
lymph nodes removed, and later 20% of her liver
was also removed. But, after she had done some
research on her disease, she refused to do one
very popular treatment – THE CHEMOTHERAPY.
Instead of chemotherapy, Ivelisse Page decided
to use homeopathic remedies and supplements,
as well as mistletoe injections (which is a
popular alternative cancer treatment in Europe).
Seven years since her diagnosis, she is cancer
free after winning the battle against IV stage
colon cancer, that statistically, only 11% of the
patients can survive.
Mistletoe Can Beat Cancer
The mistletoe treatments for Mrs. Page was
prescribed by Dr. Peter Hinderberger. Dr.
Hinderberger has working experience in a
Switzerland cancer clinic that is specialized in
the use of this treatment. Since then, mistletoe
is the most important part of his cancer
According to Baltimore Sun, mistletoe has a
substance called viscotoxin. And even though it
is poisonous, mistletoe targets and kills cancer
cells and improves the immune system of the
patient at the same time.
Also, after analyzing material that was collected
for 27 years, a European study from 2001 has
found that mistletoe treatment extended the
survival rate by about 40% in 1,668 patients who
had suffered from different types of cancer.
Is Mistletoe Approved In The USA?
The mistletoe therapy is accepted and covered
by health insurances in some European countries
such as Germany, but the extract is not
approved by the FDA.
Suzanne Somers, an actress, singer, and author
of Knockout, (a book for alternative cancer
therapies), had used mistletoe extract injections
for her natural healing protocol for cancer. But
unfortunately, her book didn’t have a big impact
on U.S. soil.
Ever since 2011, Ivelisse Page is trying to
educate people about the importance of natural
cancer treatments such as the mistletoe
treatment through her nonprofit organization
called Believe Big.
In 2013, Believe Big started to raise funds for
mistletoe clinical trials at Johns Hopkins
Medicine’s Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive
Cancer Center. These trials would take 5-8 years
to complete and patients with different types of
cancers will participate.


It’s not just one ingredient, but the combination
that is the key.
Dr. Budwig is a famous German biochemist. She
found that a combination of cold pressed
flaxseed oil and cottage cheese successfully
treated cancer and other diseases caused by
fatty degeneration.
So, it’s not about one ingredient, but the key
The action is based on the return of cancer cells
(as well as all other cells) in normal aerobic
process – burning sugar in the presence of
oxygen. This diet is fundamentally changing the
way cancer cells breathe.
To help flax seed oil get effectively transported
through the bloodstream to the cells, Dr. Budwig
has recommended mixing it with low-fat cottage
cheese. Why low-fat cottage cheese? Because it
contains the amino acids methionine and
cysteine, which are composed of a sulfhydryl
group (SH – sulfur atom and hydrogen), which is
easily associated with fatty acids. So linked
amino acids and fatty acids make up the so-
called lipoprotein, which is easily soluble in
water, thus soluble in blood.
Here’s Dr.Budwig’s Recipe:
* 2-6 tablespoon of flaxseed oil
* Half a cup of cottage cheese
* 3-6 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds
The daily dosage for the seriously ill should be 6
tablespoons (40-50 grams) of flax seed oil well
mixed with 100 grams (half a cup) of fresh low
fat cottage cheese. This daily amount can be
eaten at once or you can spread it out on
several occasions, but then you need to make a
fresh mixture every time. Interestingly, this mix
causes no side effects with the lactose
Because of the taste you can add a teaspoon of
honey or pumpkin oil. You can also add ground
walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds, fresh fruits and
vegetables, berries, and fresh fruit and
vegetables. So you get a real nutritious meal.
The mixture needs to be eaten immediately after
mixing. No storage in the refrigerator.


Watermelon is one of the world`s healthiest
foods and certainly our favorite dessert during
the hot summer nights. However, this delicious
fruit can also be the perfect pleasure-inducing
According to Italian scientists, watermelon juice
is the “nature’s Viagra” that can boost the libido
naturally in men who have mild to moderate
erectile dysfunction. A study published in the
journal Urology found that citruline-the amino
acid found in watermelon has the ability to
improve the blood flow to the penis without the
side effects of Viagra.
Watermelon is made up of 92% water, and it is
an excellent source of vitamin C. moreover, it
contains only 71 calories per serving which
makes it the perfect food for people who want to
lose weight and for those who fight impotence.
A number of men have used this recipe as a
natural substitute for Viagra.
What you need:
* Watermelon
* Pomegranate
* Some people add lemon juice
* Blender
* Glass
* Strainer
Use ¼ watermelon, one pomegranate and the
juice of one lemon. Mix all in a blender. You can
strain the mixture if you want, but consuming the
seeds can additionally stimulate erection. It is
recommended that you consume 2 tablespoons
to 1/3 of the cup of the juice in the early
morning on an empty stomach, and before
dinner. The amount depends on the body weight
and size. This mixture contains natural
chemicals that boost the blood flow to the
intimate part and help for better performance
and strength. This homemade Viagra can be
used by people of all ages and genders.
The only problem may be the frequent urination.
For more information, take a look at the
Everyday Roots Book.



First, you need to know that there are many
things that can cause problems for our
respiratory organs, such as: allergies, asthma,
harmful organisms, and even inhalation of
various pollutants.
And the most common symptoms and warning
signs of respiratory problems are: chest
congestion, difficulty breathing and irritated nasal
or throat passages, etc. If you’ve experienced
these warning signs, or someone close to you
has experienced them, you know they can be
very disruptive. Well, you should know that this
powerful and amazing spice – oregano (make
sure you use organic) is a powerful tool to
include in your lung health arsenal. Effective,
reliable and safe, organic oregano is naturally
rich in carvacrol, flavonoids, and terpenes; all of
which are natural decongestants and
Why Oregano?
First, let me say a few words about nasal
congestion and what causes it. Well, when pollen,
dust, mold, chemicals, fungus, and bacteria are
invading your body, it releases a chemical called
histamine. This harmful chemical usually causes
a reaction similar to allergic reactions — nasal
congestion, increased mucous production, and
sneezing. Some of the herbs that contain
compounds, which can reduce the histamine, like
oregano aid in counteracting histamine and may
help reduce these reactions. This is why these
herbs are also known by the name histamine-
reducing herbs. We can also mention that this
amazing herb – oregano, also contains
rosmarinic acid. According to a recent study,
researchers have discovered that rosmarinic acid
reduces fluid buildup and even swelling during an
allergy attack, making it a natural histamine-
reducing compound.
Oregano reduces cough and improves your health
A recent study, conducted by group of
researchers at the ENT Department at the Israel
Institute of Technology Medical Center, has
revealed the therapeutic potential for various
aromatic herbs, including oregano. The medical
experts have found that this herb has direct,
positive benefits on the respiratory tract,
coughing reflex and nasal passage airflow. We
can also mention that oregano also contains high
amounts of other healthy nutrients, such as:
calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium,
vitamins A and C, and niacin. Although these
healthy nutrients and vitamins don’t directly
impact upper respiratory problems, all of them
are required by the systems within the body,
including the immune system. Adequate vitamin
and mineral intake is paramount for maintaining
a healthy body that can fight off problems, such
as upper respiratory issues, before they start.
How to Use Oregano:
There are many different ways you can
incorporate this amazing spice into your healthy
diet, such as:
* You can consume it as an herb in culinary
uses, a tincture, tea or essential oil.
* You can consume diluted oregano oil to speed
recovery during illness.
* Mix oregano oil with some coconut oil and use
it to treat skin infections to boost healing.
* You can also mix oregano oil as part of an oil
pulling routine.
* You can consume diluted oregano oil – it can
help you with allergies.
* Oregano oil diluted in olive oil can be rubbed
on sore muscles and joints for pain relief.
* You should also know that you can combine
dried oregano with other dried herbs like basil,
rosemary and thyme. * This mix will create an
effective facial steam for loosening congestion
and calming coughing.
* You can also use diluted oregano oil to treat
athletes’ foot and fungal infections.
* Oregano oil is also very effective in removing
warts when used diluted on the skin.
This amazing and powerful spice is a very
flavorful herb that is often used in different
cuisines: Italian, Greek and Spanish cooking. It is
often used in seasoning blends, including Italian
Seasoning, and pairs well with meats, tomato
dishes, and eggs. As you can see, there are
different ways to incorporate this super healthy
spice in your meals and salads. It will cleanse
your lungs from dust, mold, bacteria and viruses,
and it will provide other health benefits, due to
its high content of healthy nutrients. We really
hope you find this article helpful and don’t forget
to share with your friends and family.
Thank You.

This Ginger And Turmaric-Carrot Juice Can Replace Your Pain And Inflammation ( DOCTOR)


Pesticides are used by farmers when growing
produce. They spray the pesticides all over the
crop in order to control pests and to stop the
bugs from damaging the foods.
Even though most farmers have good intentions,
the use of pesticides can make serious harm due
to their high content of toxic chemicals. These
chemicals can cause learning disabilities, birth
defects, neurodegenerative diseases such as
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease and even
cancer. Every year, thousands of Americans are
poisoned by pesticides. For instance, between
2000 and 2008, 7,600 cases of pesticide
poisoning were reported just in California.


Organic foods are the best protection from
pesticides. Instead of being sprayed with
pesticides, organic foods are grown with natural
fertilizers, which don’t contain any harmful
chemicals. Many studies have shown that the
consumption of organic foods allows us to get
the maximum benefits of the antioxidant that
many fruits and vegetables have.
The foods that have amazing antioxidant
Lemons and their peels are rich in antioxidants.
They even have a higher amount of antioxidants
than vitamin E. These antioxidants will keep your
cells healthy and protect them from cancer-
causing damage. Another ingredient that
contains many antioxidant properties is Turmeric.
This amazing medicinal plant boosts the immune
system, has anti-inflammatory properties,
controls the cholesterol levels in the blood,
lowers the risk of stroke and protects from
coronary artery disease. Also, we should not
forget carrots, apples and ginger root, ingredients
that are rich in vitamins and minerals which are
essential for our wellbeing.
The Ginger Turmeric Carrot Juice:
The combination of the ingredients mentioned
above will give us a delicious juice that promotes
a healthier vision, stronger immunity and better


. 3 or 4 organic carrots
. 1 red organic apple
. 1/2 in piece of organic ginger root
. 1/2 in piece of organic turmeric root
. 1/4 organic lemon, peel and all!


1. Place all ingredients in a juicer or blender.
2. Blend together.
3. Enjoy!

The Juice That Will Rise You From Dead (Doctor)

This natural juice is used for many years as it is
proven to be extremely effective. It will boost
your immune system, clean your blood and it will
also supply your body with energy.
But the most important thing is that this juice is
proven to help in the fight against cancer cells
as well!
This juice is easily prepared as you will need 3
minutes only! You need to know that it is not
quite tasty but as it is extremely healthy, you
must consume it!
That is why, if you are depressed, tired and
without energy all the time, this magical juice
will surely help!
* 35oz / 1kg of beetroot
* 35oz / 1 kg of honey
* 3 oranges
* 17oz / ½ kg of carrots
* 3 apples
* 1 lemon
How To prepare:
After you wash all the ingredients well, peel the
lemon and oranges and blend them together.
Then add the other ingredients and blend them
as well. Pour this mixture with reddish color in a
bottle or jar and place it in the fridge.
How To Use:
Drink ½ glass on an empty stomach, before
breakfast every day!

The World's Tallest Meet shortest Man!!

World's tallest man meets shortest man 01:14
Story highlights
For the first time, the tallest recorded man in
the world met the shortest man
Sultan Kosen, 31, is a Turkish farmer who
measures 8 feet, 3 inches tall
Nepalese weaver Chandra Bahadur Dangi, 74,
is just 21½ inches tall
The two men met in London for the 10th
annual Guinness World Records Day
One stands as tall as a red British phone booth.
The other is the height of six stacked cans of
baked beans.
On Thursday, for the first time, the man with the
tallest recorded height in the world and the
shortest man in the world met at an event in
London, where they posed for photos and
stretched for an awkward handshake.
The occasion was the 10th annual Guinness
World Records Day , which celebrates record-
setting achievements around the globe. The
Guinness folks flew the two men, Sultan Kosen
of Turkey and Chandra Bahadur Dangi of Nepal,
to London for the unique photo op.
Kosen, 31, is a part-time farmer who measures 8
feet, 3 inches tall and can reach a basketball
hoop without jumping . He became the world's
tallest living man in 2009, overtaking China's Xi
Shun, who stood a mere 7 feet 9 inches.
Dangi, 74, is just 21½ inches tall and is the
shortest adult human ever verified by Guinness
World Records. A weaver who also helps look
after buffaloes and cows in his remote mountain
of Reemkholi, he weighs just 32 pounds.
"To be able to finally meet Chandra after all this
time is amazing," Kosen said at the event. "Even
though he is short and I am tall, we have had
similar struggles throughout our lives, and when I
look into Chandra's eyes, I can see he's a good
Kosen also holds the record for largest hands on
a living person. His measure 11.2 inches from
the wrist to the tip of his middle finger.
Thousands of people took part in Guinness World
Records events around the world Thursday, with
records tumbling in Australia, France, Dubai,
China, Germany, Japan, the UK and the United
States. In Shanghai, 388 people went for a
record for the largest communal breakfast in
Biglove New World

Osobola Okukozesa Obutonde Bwo Okuba Owomugaso!!

Ebisera Bingi Tubera Mukweralikilira Olw'embera Jetwatondebwamu Netutamanya Nti Tusobola okweyambisa Obutonde Bwaffe Okuyitimuka, Mubulingeriyona Osobola Okukozesa Bingi Ebikuliko Mubulamu Bwo.

Noba Wanjawulo Mubalara.

®Biglove New World Let's Talk Let's Grow Big.

Here We Are Let's Biglove The World.

Daily Condition

Too Much Coldness All Over Kampla City Today Since Morning.

Thursday 17 March 2016

Quote Of The Day.

In Our Lives Through Facing Much Problems We Should Struggle Until We Achieve.
Here We Are Let's Biglove The World.

5th Street Bugolobi As Years Have Passed.

Many Years Have Passed,

Some Industrial Areas In Uganda  Are Commonly Known By Many People , as There Names, But When  You Reach Some Companies You May Shade Tears Becouse Of Bad Conditions, Little Salary, labour Abuse By There Bosses.
So Far We Have Reached @5th Street Industrial  Area Were Fresh Dairy,sonafric,phenix,madvan etc Located .

 We Have Talked With Many Employes About This Issue And They Added.

The Most Common problem In Our Companies , Is Little Salary , were buy You Can Work For A month And You Get Awadge Which Canot even Pay Our Land Lord. Addition To That , We Work For Food In Most Cases.


Our World Is Between Our Two Hands

Before Your Shoot Your Goal Try To Meet Our Biglove New World Family Becouse All We Believe That This is Your Dream Of development.
Am Here For You Your There For Me.

Let's Grow Big Biglove Family

My Dream Your Dream

Other 5 Benefits of mango leaves, you don't know.

5. Cures respiratory problems Mango leaves are good for all kinds of  respiratory problems . It is especially useful for people suffering f...