Monday 16 May 2016

Still Carrot

Health benefits of carrots:
Crunchy and Sweet carrots are
particularly rich in vitamins, digestive
fiber and anti-oxidants. They
contribute 41 calories per 100 g,
insignificant amount of cholesterol and
They are extra rich source of vitamin-
A and carotenes. Fresh 100 g carrot
has 16706 IU of vitamin A and 8285
µg of beta-carotene. Also carrot has
flavonoid compounds that helps to
protect from cancers of oral cavity,
lung and skin.
In the liver vitamin-A are converted
from of the powerful
carotene is Beta carotene which is
organic anti-oxidant, it helps in
protecting body from oxygen-free
damaging radical misery. Also carrot
has the actions of vitamin A such as
reproduction, helping to have good
eye, growth and development.
Carrots has abundant falcarinol, poly-
acetylene antioxidant. Scientists
Research study indicates that
falcarinol in carrots helps in fighting
against cancers by damaging cancer
cells in tumors.
Carrots is rich in vitamin C; which
supplies 9% of RDA. Vitamin C is
water dissolved anti-oxidant. It helps
to maintain the healthy issue of teeth,
gum and tissue. Its anti-oxidant
element helps the body to be infected
from cancers and diseases from
harmful radicals.
Also, carrots are particularly rich in B-
complex groups of vitamins like
vitamin B-6, folic acid, pantothenic
acid, thiamin etc. which acts as
enzymes co-factors while subtracting
metabolism in body.
Also carrots merges the healthy levels
of vitamins like calcium, copper,
manganese, phosphorus and
potassium. Potassium is an essential
component of body and cell fluids that
controls the heart rate and blood
pressure by resisting sodium effects.
Manganese is consumed as a co-
factor for antioxidant enzyme and
superoxide dismutase.
Increased consumption of antioxidant
reduce cardiovascular disease risks
and cancer.
Carrots helps in:
Cancer: various digestive
carotenoids have anti-cancer
effects which causes
antioxidant power in increasing
free radicals.
Lung Cancer: current smokers
who did not have carrots three
times, has the risk of developing
lung cancer compared with who
have carrots once in a week.
Colorectal Cancer: consumption
of Beta-carotene helps to
inverse the development of
colon cancer.
Leukemia: extract of Carrot
juice has the ability to kill
leukemia cells.
Prostate Cancer: beta-carotene
plays a protective role against
prostate cancer.
Vision: high beta-carotene in
foods helps to restore vision.
The phytochemicals and
antioxidants in carrots also help
with regulation of blood sugar
the effects of aging is delayed
and boosts the immune
In short carrots are responsible for:
improving immunity
decreasing photosensitivity
Improves symptoms of HIV.
Helps to withdrawal alcohol.
Help in healing minor injuries
and wounds.
Works as an antiseptic.
Reduce the risk of heart
High blood pressure risk is
Helps to excrete bile and fats.
Prevent bronchitis.
Fights infection
Improves health of flesh, skin
and muscle
Fights anemia.
Reduces acne.
Improving eye health
Carrots are best option of anti-
ageing foods for the element
which is beta-carotene
Carrots are rich in vitamin A
and antioxidants which are
responsible for healthy skin,hair
and nails
Carrots improves the dental
health by cleaning plaque. Also
biting carrots increases the
production of saliva, and
balances the acid level which
fight with bacteria which cause
All year-round Carrots can be found in
supermarket. They are a versatile
vegetable and commonly eaten
steamed, raw, boiled. They can be
taken as canned or frozen, fresh, even
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